The Collective is an amazing way to share information between other bot users and multiple computers. For example, if you have run the bot on two computers, you can share information between the two, such as bosses.This means you can have other people help you in the search for bosses, so that you can use Auto-Setter much more efficiently! Always stay loaded up on bosses by having everyone contribute to the collective.
Make sure to enable “send to collective” in auto-setter and boss-finder!
Remember, the collective is a team effort! The point is to have other people helping contribute - or if you use the bot on multiple machines, so that they can communicate with eachother!
How to Use
Follow the steps below to understand and take advantage of the collective1. Go to the collective tab.
2. Enter in a key that someone gave to you OR generate your own.
3. To use the same pool of bosses shared from another user, enter in their collective key.
4. Any user who enters the same key as you will have their bosses shared to your collective. You both can then pull those bosses using auto setter. This helps increase efficiency as other people you know can help you spot bosses!